Me about a month or so ago
Well, times they haven't changed. I used to be I couldn't make it more than a couple weeks without shaving. I tried and tried. Just couldn't do it. But then something happened. Around Christmas time I finally go so that to could handle not shaving and actually started to like having having facial hair. A co-worker even commented how it seemed like I had something different going on every week there for a while. I'd be shaved clean one week, a chin strap the next, a goatee after that, even just a mustache for a while. But finally I just went with the goatee. It just seemed right.
Well apparently I'm not the only one that felt this way. Because I decided to shave it on a whim. Not only did my wife say, she didn't approve, but that I look like a kid! A couple of co-workers have made comments echoing the disapproval. And to lay it all out there, I do feel a bit like I'm missing something. So, it's time to grow again! But to grow what exactly remains to be decided. So I'll just start with the full beard and treat my face like a Bonsai tree to see what feels right from there. This could get interesting.
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