Showing posts with label dry humor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dry humor. Show all posts

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thoughts about nothing and everything.

Hey all! Here's a totally random thought that passed through my head earlier. Just one of those things that's something, and nothing all at the same time. Something the parents can relate to for sure. So here goes my 5 seconds on Seinfeld blabbing.

Why is it such a complex thing to go to the bathroom? You're just going in and dropping off. That's it. If you have kids it takes a while because you can't even finish dropping your trousers without out someone knocking, yelling through the door for you, of just plain walking in. So it's like a 5-10 minute race to get out, but enjoy some peace at the same time. But it doesn't end there. You get all the kids off too school, and have the house to yourself for a few minutes. You go in, you take your time and realize you just had a 5 minute race against yourself because you were still braced for someone to come ruin those few minutes of solitude.

Oh well. Take what peace you have and enjoy it anyways.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Thoughts on my mind.

Had a moment tonight I was missing my brothers and sisters in arms back in the USMC. Specifically the ones I served with in Okinawa, Japan. And then this thought wandered into my mind.

The life of a drinky girl must be hard. They're kinda like that first slice of bread in the loaf. Everyone has touched them, but nobody really wants them. And those who say they love them, are usually not in their right mind.

Andy, I really hope you're puking over the thought of a banana right now.