Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Extra Time

Well the holidays are upon us. The home stretch of the year, that puts a hurt on everyone's wallets. And as the saying holds, only in America do we have a holiday to reflect on what you're grateful for, only to have an event the next day that promotes trampling others for the stuff you don't have. So last week I got to enjoy a rare treat in the holiday spirit. I got to go have a Thanksgiving lunch with my youngest.

I did it last year too, and even though it's nothing flashy, it still holds an amazing feeling around it. Here in our area, the elementary schools have an annual Thanksgiving lunch. And the parents get to go sit down with their kiddos. So I got to have a little time with my boy, that I normally wouldn't have. And that in itself is something to grateful for.

We all meet up at our kiddos classrooms, then get in line with them. And the food is actually pretty decent. Some of it is a bit salty for my taste, but still pretty decent. Turkey (a bit of white and dark meat), stuffing, green beans, mashed potatoes and gravy, a wheat dinner roll, pumpkin spiced cake, cranberry sauce, and a choice of milk (white, chocolate, or strawberry).

So in a month where so many say I'm thankful for this, and that, with some BS daily little thing to say they're grateful for the month. I'm grateful for my family, and the extra time I get to spend with them as it comes. And not just today, but everyday of the year.

And on a final note... SCREW BLACK FRIDAY!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Team Not Individuals

Alright boys and girls, time for my triumphant return. Sound the horns, because not only am I back, I'm pissed. Why? Because not only do some people not need kids, but they need to keep their mouths shut about good discipline and order. Stand-by folks, the shit is hitting the fan.

So my lovely wife forwarded a news article on to me. (I'll attach a link at the bottom) Basically the community in a Utah town are raising Kane because a football coach made a decision to suspend his entire team for being jerks. According to the article all 80 players have been benched, are being tasked with community service, and are having to earn the right to play. This is because of his players cyber bullying, cutting classes, and being disrespectful to teachers.

That's right, the community is pissed that the coach is instilling discipline, and character into this team. To the coach I say, OUTSTANDING! To the parents of the players I say, "Shame on you." To the community that's crying I say, "You should be ashamed of yourselves." More and more parents are letting their kids have free reign. We have a generation of selfish, and ignorant cowards heading into the world with a sense of entitlement. No, I'm not talking about politicians.

#1 The parents obviously have failed to instill discipline into these kids, that's part of what sportsmanship is.
#2 Respect isn't just a standard on the field of battle, it's a standard in life. These kids obviously need to learn that.
#3 It's a team. Everyone works together. If one person fails to do what they're supposed to, the team fails to accomplish their mission.

It's called a TEAM, not a group of individuals, which so many people seem to have forgotten. This coach is teaching these kids what the adults have forgotten, teamwork, team ethics, character, discipline, and he's doing through action. Words are nothing without action. These kids have had enough words. They're old enough to know right from wrong. If they're not held accountable for their actions as this point in their life, then they're being setup for failure later on in life. And if they're set up for failure, whose to blame? The community will blame the parents, which is where they should be looking now instead of crucifying the coach. The community is to blame because they're not holding the bar and doing their part to ensure that kids are being taught right by being held accountable for their actions.

Here's the thing. I've seen way to many cases of parents being allowed to drop the ball. The news reminds us all the time. Kids are being conditioned to call the police, or claim they're being abused if a parent punishes them. What's worse is parents are giving up, and just letting their kids run wild because they're afraid of having to face the court for doing what they should as parents. But at the same time they don't want to see anyone else discipline their kids, and teach them what they as parents have failed to. Teachers and councilors bitch, moan, and complain that they have to teach kids so much these days. This is because nothing is being done! If parents would step up to the plate and do their damn job, life would be easier for everyone all around. Our kids would be better people, our educators would be able to educate instead of play referee, and our coaches could focus on sports!

You're upset because your kid wasn't involved and shouldn't have to pay? Shut the hell up, it's a team effort! They're not being kicked off the team, they're working to pick up the weaker players and actually build a team instead of a gang! Don't want them to be a TEAM player? Give them a gameboy instead.

This coach is going against the norm, by doing what everyone should. He's doing the right thing, for the right reasons, and looking out for the future of these kids. If you don't understand it, you need to step back and look at the big picture.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

So today is a reminder to all the mommies, that at one point, they put out, and a few long months later, we all ripped through their vagina like a high school football team through a paper banner. Yup, I went there.

In my case it's probably more of a a mixed bag of, "that's my boy," "bastard destroyed my body," and "I knew I should have swallowed." I've been that big of a pain her butt over the years, and have no intention of letting up. (Just my way of saying I love you +LoisAnn Brock.)

Then of course, there's the I love you and congrats we all give to our significant others who we sacrifice on the alter of pain. As if we didn't have enough on our plate, I stuck a seed of slow death in my lovely wife as well. And in a fraction of the time it's taken me with my own mom, I've been a burning pain in her butt as well. She's been ready to smash my head clear out my butt with a frying pan on more than one occasion. (Just my way of saying I love you +Erica Rominger.)

So, Happy Mother's Day. And no, I still won't apologize for what happened to your vagina's.