Showing posts with label communication. Show all posts
Showing posts with label communication. Show all posts

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Social or Not

Recently I had someone call me out on a social networking site. It was a great call on his part. There's still a little mystery in it for me, but not a lot. They had me in their circles, but I didn't have them in mine. And were kind enough to give me fair warning to engage with them or get booted. After a very brief exchange on our part, it was a refreshing breath to see we saw eye to eye. Social media is just that, "SOCIAL". See, it says it right there in the name. And bottom line, if you're not social, eventually I'm going to boot you from my list. It doesn't matter much how you engage, just that you do such.

Now this doesn't mean I'm going to interact with every single person, every single day. And will a few get past unnoticed for a while? It's a pretty safe bet. Furthermore, it doesn't mean I'm going to read every single post. Let's face it, there's just too many. Some people have over 30 posts a day. And after you have more than a handful of people added to your circles, reading everything become a pipe dream. This is especially true if you don't engage with people. The occasional comment, or shared pic. Maybe a mention as a way of saying, "Thanks to so-so for sharing this." Something. And I'm not just talking about liking a post. Thanks FB for that BS trend.

Does everyone slack once in a while? Of course, life happens. Will we agree on everything? Well great minds think alike... ok, that's BS. Simply put no, but that's life. So here's fair warning to everyone, if you don't engage on some level, eventually you'll be gone from my list. If all you do is try sharing dirty pics, you'll be gone even faster. But if you have something intelligent, or of interest to share from time to time you're perfectly safe.

With that said, I'd just like to take a moment to thank +Tobi Mann for the courtesy the other day.

To my loyal blog readers, don't worry I have some fun headed back your way. I still owe someone a post on sock puppets, and of course there's always some weird crap running through my mind.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Reading Solutions

I love to read. For me, ereaders are a wonderful invention. Instead of carrying 5 books in my bag, I have a library on a device that takes a fraction of the space. I grew up with the family bookstore down the road. So it surprises me when I come across someone who says they don't like to read, or don't read. 

There are so many worlds, and new people in books. You don't need electricity to see it. If you get interrupted or have to stop reading, you don't miss anything. It's still sitting there waiting for you to comeback and pick right back up from where you left off. I just don't get how people are so turned off by books. They'll read countless magazines, spend hours reading posts on Facebook and Twitter, countless articles and reports from news sites. People can't even make it through dinner without text. So given how much people already read, it kills me that people won't pick up a book. 

Technology could be the key to this though. Even with Barnes & Noble bowing out of the tablet market, there's still hope. Another company could easily pick up where they've left off and fallen short. Amazon is making a killing. And Kobo is making the mix interesting now with their Arc. Sony, in typical Sony fashion, has an over priced ereader that could use some sprucing up. However, Sony has proven time and time again that it shouldn't be written off. Then you have the plethora of apps for cell phones by all the above and then some. With tablets taking off, these apps could really capitalize if they were marketed better. If more companies would make a better device with an up-to-date version of android, and actually upgrade them to the newer versions like they do tablets and phones, there would be an even bigger market. 

Why do I believe this? Because people love multitasking devices with the most current software. Communication, entertainment, and internet access everywhere. Something to entertain the kids, something to keep everyone in touch, something to help out with scheduling, navigation from time to time, and something to take you away for just a little while. We have the capability. We have the access. We need to get the word out, and more people involved. Not just the big companies. Public libraries could increase their traffic dramatically if they were to get involved. I've come across a couple, but not many. What's that? You need to return your book, but can't get off work to drive? That's okay, it's an ebook and you're connected to the internet! Pretty sure I just heard a "Ka-Ching!" Plus libraries have audiobooks. What's that, another electronic item in your basket? Ka-Ching! The possibilities are endless. Big companies are starting to take advantage of some of these options, as are a handful of libraries. 

So maybe some of these people feel they don't have time to read. Maybe they're a bit intimidated. Just maybe, they don't want to carry extra weight. The technology is the cure to these issues. Get the advertising out there people. Encourage people to read. If people got away from the TV for a little bit and started reading, like the days of yester-year, our countries education levels could start to see an improvement as well. You don't have to unplug to read anymore. Instead, plugin and read up.

Friday, April 19, 2013

It's a game, not a dating site.

Games. It happens a lot with guys, and I with some women too. I find it annoying as hell. So here I am, I have my lovely smartphone in hand, and I'm looking to kill some time. So I do what so many others do, and I pull up a game on my phone. Doesn't matter what it is, a scrabble like game, mini golf, dice, or name that tune, I always run into the same problem. You send out an invite to start a game with a random person, and if you're the same sex you get declined almost every time! It makes it hard to find a good game. To make matters worse, you get some moron who wants to ask age, if you're married, etc. What the french toast! It's a friggin game, not a damn dating service!

So briefly I tried an experiment on one of them. I put up a random pic that doesn't show a person. It was obvious people didn't look at my screen name. Instead not only was the game accepted, but I'm getting in game messages asking if I'm a girl, where I am, how old I am, if I'm seeing anyone. Yeah, YOU ARE SOME DUMBASSES! And what makes it worse is that it's not all school kids, it's grown adults doing this! As soon as I changed my pic to show who I really am, it came to a screeching halt, and again I'm in exile with most men. Which isn't all bad, because at least when I do get a game going, I know it's someone like me that actually wants to play the game. 

This is where good parenting comes in and parents limit, screen, and spot check what they allow their kids access too. Some of these deviants are down right disgusting. Yes, that includes women. Seriously, you're not going to get a date from playing a game. Do these people really think they're going to find love in a round or words with friends or draw something? Just because I played word feud with you, does not mean I want to marry you. In all honesty, you're lucky if I even respond to a message outside of "good game" or "rematch". 

A lot of people are complaining that they can't find love. Here's why. IT'S NOT IN A VIDEO GAME! Unplug for a while, get a job, move out of your parents basement, and learn how to talk to real live people. Oh crap, what a concept! Talking. It's not a new invention, it's just one that seems to be lost in the gibberish of text talk and playing Wii instead of actual basketball. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Friend Speak

You've got to love the difference between how you talk to your regular friends, and how you talk to your best friends. I mean really, think about it. You see your friend and you're like, "hey, how's it going?" Then you see one of your best friends and you're like, "Hey shit for brains, would you ask your wife if I left my underwear at your place when I was bangin her last week?" To which you would get an equally derogatory response or worse. And considering a lot of my best friends are people I served with, it can get pretty ugly if you're looking in from the outside.

Today I was on a social network and put up a post. 

And within a couple of comments it went from I love you, to you're a man whore. And of course, in good old fashioned ribbing, it escalated from their until we had nothing left to throw at each other. +Shane Snyder you're still my #1 man bitch. 

And of course, some of the crap we talk about really is crap. After all, aside from grossing out a sibling, or spouse, who else are your going to share your bowel movements with. Color, size, smell, when the hell did I eat corn? Then of course there's that one time you might even snap a picture of it and text it to them with that comment, "You're the bomb!"

Then of course you have to keep in mind, these are the people you can go a long time without speaking to for one reason or another. But when you do get together, it's like you just saw each other yesterday and it's No Holds Barred, you can talk about anything. And I do mean anything. This is probably why us veterans get along better than anyone else. +Mike Flavin you know what I'm talking about. The past, what's happening now, while putting down a cold one and smoking a cigar. And the best part, even if it's embarrassing, it's really not.

These are the are the people you go to with your relationship problems and tell you to suck it up. Then they turn it around so that both of you can talk crap about the person who just dumped you. Or they'll tell you to stop being a pussy, have a beer with them, and then take your sorry butt home and fix things because you're screwing up. No sugar coating either. They'll smack you up side the head just as fast as they will the person who screws with you. 

In the end, they're just another part of the legacy you'll leave behind. Best friend? Bullshit, that mofo is FAMILY.