Going through and seeing how many blogs had missing pictures was annoying to say the least. Being the type of person that prefers to have a plan B, the grey matter was put to work. So, I made a copy of the entire blog. Every single post. Just in case.
I used Opera's blog for a long time. I loved it! All these years later I still miss it. Granted at that point, blogging in this format was really at its apex. Before video took over everything. One of my regrets was not copying everything before they took it down. That won't happen again.
After all this is on a Google owned site. And we all know we can't trust them not to just trash it at a moment's notice. Or worse, try to revamp it. Look what happened to Google Music. A wonderful service that was absolutely trashed when it was forced into YouTube Music. Years later, and still not at the same level. Or the more recent sale of Domains to another service. At least it wasn't to GoDaddy, but I have my doubts as to how well that service will work for my needs as well.
I've been a pro-google guy for a long time. However, I'm finding that in question more and more these days. It may be time for a change. A new season of life is coming.